When building a deck, there is a specific process that must be followed. There are four main components to deck building. These four components include the footings, framing, decking, and railing. Each part of the process is equally important.
The footings are required to be below the frost line set by local code. This will vary based on location. In most parts of Maryland and Virginia, for example, the frost line is between 24”-30” below grade. The building crew must dig footings below this level and ensure that the width of the footings are according to the permitted set of plans. A footing inspection is required prior to pouring the concrete.
When framing the deck it is extremely important to properly flash the ledger board. The flashing keeps water from entering the house. The flashing should be one layer of vinyl or copper installed between the ledger board and house. Flashing is always installed behind the siding. Most carpenters start by installing the ledger board at the house. The next step is the temporarily install the outside joists. The beams are then temporarily installed beneath the joists at the precise level. Once the deck has been squared and the beams and joists are level, the carpenters will install the supportive columns that carry the beams, and install the remaining joists.
Decking installation is usually one of the fastest aspect of a decking project depending on the pattern. It is important to install any product according to the manufacturers specifications. Failure to do so may result in a voided warranty. Decking should be installed with screws regardless of what type of decking you are putting down. This will ensure the longevity of your deck.
Railing is the final phase of deck construction. Rail post should be bolted properly and any required blocking should be added to the framing below to ensure stability. The standard height for residential railings are 36”common code requires that no space in the railing be greater than 4”.

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